Making the world a better place, one show at a time.

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Washington, DC, United States
I guess you would like to know a little bit about the person making all these proclamations upon good taste and horrid characters. I'm Andrea and when I was 15 I fell in love. An hour after meeting "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" I was forever altered in the way only love can, and I never questioned for one minute afterwards that television offered me an amazing chance to experience lives and moments that I could never imagine. So now, when I'm not getting distracted by my real life, I write about TV. I also read, am finishing a Master's degree in English Literature, travel, am attempting to learn vegan cooking, am the 5th of 6 children, and drive my roommate nuts by constantly cleaning our already clean apartment. Now that we're old friends, time for you to take my opinions as the be all and end all.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Riches (8.5): Ding Dong Dale is Dead.

At least that is what it looked like in the last scene of last night’s episode, and I think it is a beautiful beautiful thing. I just refuse to feel bad about the fact that this possibility makes me so happy. I should probably calm down, since Quinn is a whole heaping pile of dung scarier than Dale, and he has Cael.

Cael, just a warning. Literary history is strewn with the bodies of those who have chosen sex over family. And I do not think that any honest argument can be made that Cael actually feels comfortable in Camp, that it is where we wants to be. The hope of getting some made him linger, and now that he got some he is staying; not good decision making criteria! He has lost faith in his father, leaving him doubting his upbringing and susceptible to manipulation.

Even so, Cael was right that the house stole the family’s souls (and I am not a really superstitious person, but I think he might be literally right). Dahlia’s relapse was heartbreaking after seeing her try so hard to change herself and her life. To see her act out in the belief that all her effort was towards a goal that no longer existed (her family) could have simply been a pathetic ending to her storyline, but rather it was so sad because Dahlia has a dignity she retains in even her most undignified moments. But was any one else confused by the eventual conversation between Wayne and Dahlia about Pete? Why couldn’t/didn’t Wayne simply say that Dale had already murdered Pete before Wayne got back to the house? I doubt that would have substantially affected the outcome of the argument, since she is completely correct that causally Pete’s death is their responsibility. And she is completely correct that protecting his family was not Wayne’s only priority in returning to Eden Falls, and then lying to Dahlia about Pete. Still, Wayne would not have murdered Pete, and that seems to be how she understands the situation. Is he so tangled in his own lies (to others and to himself) that he doesn’t actually know what the truth is anymore or how to tell it?

And did he really burn down an orphanage?

On a happier note, how cute was Di Di’s kiss with the little security guard in the chapel? Maybe not the kind of chaste behavior that her new school organization demands, but ridiculously adorable. This dude is so much better than her former boyfriend. That kid was a tard.

Conversely, poor Nina. Could someone give this woman a break, please? Her semi-openly gay husband drunkenly tells her that he loves her during the drag themed birthday party she organized for him, and then he drops dead. It seems unfair to me. Granted, this may be the most emotionally healthy scenario for Nina; there was a kind of healing between her and Jim and therefore she is not plagued with questions and regret as well as grief.

I cannot believe that next week is the Season Finale!

The TV Girl

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